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80 Days of Welcoming the Sun

The video below is a compendium of my favorite shots taken over the last 80 days of my sunrise walks. A few are from my week in Sedona. The rest were taken in Juno Beach, Florida. The music is by Rick Wakeman, one of my favorite composers. He became famous as the keyboard player for the band YES. The song is called "The Mermaid."

Wow, hard to believe that today is my 80th day waking up in time to meet the sun as it rises! On days when it was 40 degrees or colder, I bundled up with woolen hats, gloves and several layers of sweaters. On those days it was really hard to get out of bed. But I did anyway. And here's what I've gotten out of this journey so far:

1. It's been an amazing awakening to know the I am never alone. On every one of my walks I am accompanied by my Essence, the Ascended Masters, my Guides & Teachers, the Akashic Records, and the Angelic Realm. And always, always, Source is with me.

2. The messages I receive every day truly have humbled me. I've become a quieter, more gentle person.

3. Not without great hesitation and fear, I have abandoned vanity and self-consciousness to post videos of my walks on FaceBook. And I've included myself. Yikes!

4. Compassion has grown within me to levels I never imagined were possible.

5. As I practice the Happiness Key Codes I am being given, I am experiencing greater joy in my life.

6. Every aspect of my life - Health, Career, Business, Money, Family, Friendship - is showing up in a clearer, lighter, freer way. I am making powerful choices through increased awareness and knowing.

7. It's been wonderful to meet the regulars that walk on the beach in the morning and they have taught me about diversity, kindness, compassion and appreciation for all human beings.

8. My healing practice has gone to a whole new level and I am experiencing many miraculous readings for myself and others, through Akashic Records, through ThetaHealing and through Alchemy. I truly am so blessed!

9. A very stubborn 8 pounds disappeared!

10. I am writing more, teaching more, loving more, feeling more, sharing more, knowing more. Need I say more?

Thank you Source, thank you all beautiful Beings of Light, and thank you Grandfather Sun for your many healing gifts!

Love & Light Always and Forever!



New World Harmony, LLC & Lily Winsaft


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